Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation
What is the difference between dreams and reality? Very simple. Money. Challenging people to dream these wild dreams, and then work with us to make them happen. But we want to do even more!
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Haddonfield only thrives because of dedication from people like you.
You Can Help Make Haddonfield Dreams Come True
Who is eligible to join the Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation?
Anyone who cares about Haddonfield. No matter who you are or where you live. If you are part of our community you have a place here.
How much time do you need to give to the Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation?
We are all busy. The Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation do not make demands on your time. It is up to you. If you have a dream you want to pursue here, if there is a cause in Haddonfield you want to help, if you want the best for your town, if you want a place for your children or grandchildren to enjoy, we are your place.
What does it cost to join?
There is no membership cost. But we do hope you will contribute to the Foundation.
Who picks the dreams that come true?
You do. The people in the town. The individuals who decide how much to give and what they would like to see happen. If someone decides that their legacy will be in Haddonfield to ensure a wonderful future for this special town, that is how it will happen. What is your dream? Add it to our list.
What is there to do?
There are many tasks and projects. Just as one example, we want to provide expertise and help for town non-profits on how to pursue grants successfully. We are also open to your ideas. There are many skills and talents that could help us. But just your thoughts, ideas, and any time you can give will help.
Our job is to help the Foundation achieve its mission, and to help make Haddonfield Dreams come true.
Who decides about grants from the Foundation?
If you make a gift and specify what it is for, then that is how it will be used. Otherwise, grant decision making is set by the Foundation’s founding documents. There is a board selected by key sectors of the town, and they in turn add a few others. The board has made and will continue to make grant decisions. The Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation can help gather information and help those who receive the grants, but the board has to make the selection decisions. Board members are always welcome to join the Friends of the Haddonfield Foundation.
When do we meet?
We meet five times per year to conduct Foundation business and review grant applications. Meetings are typically held on the second Monday in the months of January, March, May, September and November, at 7:00 p.m. at Archer Law, 1 Centennial Square, Haddonfield.
What do you need to join?
Just give us your name and contact information.
Joe Murphy
Member of the Board, Haddonfield Foundation
[email protected]
(856) 278-1664